Privacy Policy

Privacy and security

This privacy statement applies to the website, which is owned and administered by Healthe Care, which is based in Australia.

No need to disclose personal information

You may browse and access information contained within this website without providing personal information.

Information provided when you contact us

Where you voluntarily provide personal information (eg, through online forms, newsletter subscriptions or email requests), we will only use your personal information for the purposes for which you gave it to us. This information will be held by Healthe Care.

We will hold your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. These Privacy Acts and Rights regulate us through the Information Privacy Principles as to how we collect, use, hold, disclose, access, correct, manage and dispose of your personal information.

Viewing or changing your information

To view any personal information held by us, or if you have any concerns about personal information that we hold and wish to request its correction, please write to the Privacy Officer:


Healthe Care
Suite 2, Level 5, 275 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Statistical information and cookies

We collect statistical information about your visit to our website to help us improve it. This information does not identify individuals. To collect this statistical information the site makes use of cookies.


This website uses cookies for the purpose of monitoring website usage. A cookie is a piece of code that creates a file on your computer to track the pages that you view on our website. The cookies do not collect personal information. You can disable them or clear them out of your web browser without affecting your ability to use the website.

Google Analytics

We use Google Universal Analytics to collect and analyse details about the use of our website. The information Google Analytics collects includes:

  • your IP address
  • the search terms you used
  • the pages you accessed on the website and the links you clicked on
  • the date and time you visited the website
  • the referring website (if any) through which you clicked through to this website
  • your operating system (eg, Windows XP, Mac OSX)
  • the type of web browser you use (eg, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox)
  • other incidental matters such as screen resolution and the language setting of your browser.

No effort is made to identify individual visitors.

You may opt-out from having Google Analytics collect your information by disabling cookies in your browser, or by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out browser add-on.

Google Analytics privacy policy.


Your feedback is important and is used to evaluate and improve the site of Healthe Care and its other direct business websites. If you provide feedback by email or by using a feedback form, that feedback is sent to appropriate Healthe Care staff. We may pass on relevant comments to other people within Healthe Care who administer or contribute content to our websites. This could include your email address and other identifying information that you’ve provided.

Use of statistical information

The statistical information referred to above will be viewable by website administrators and certain other Healthe Care staff, whose role requires them to view this data. If requested, the statistical information may also be shared with other Government agencies.

Disclosure of your information to third parties

We will not disclose any of your personal information for purposes that you did not give it to us for. Your information may be shared with, and held by, third-party contractors to the extent necessary for those contractors to provide web services, such as website hosting and maintenance.

We will not disclose your personal information to other government agencies or other organisations without your consent, unless required by Australian law.

Storing Personal Information

We store personal and health information in both paper and electronic formats. The security of personal and health information is important to us and we take reasonable steps to protect it from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Some of the ways this is done include:

  • Requiring staff to maintain confidentiality.
  • Implementing document storage security.
  • Imposing security measures for access to computer systems.
  • Providing a discrete environment for confidential discussions and treatment.
  • Only allowing access to personal and health information where the individual seeking access has satisfied Waratah Private Hospital’s identification requirements.

Personal and health information is retained for the period of time determined by law and is disposed in a secure manner.

Access to your information

You have the right to have access to the health information that we hold in your health record. You can also request an amendment (but not deletion) to your health record should you believe that it contains inaccurate information.

Waratah Private Hospital will allow access, or will make the requested changes, unless there is a reason under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or other relevant law that denies access or does not permit the requested changes. If access is denied a written response for refusal will be provided.

If Waratah Private Hospital does not agree to make the changes to the health record/personal information in accordance with the request, we will accept a written statement of the requested changes and enclose this in your health record.

Should you wish to obtain access to or request changes to your health record you can contact the Patient Services Manager via our contact us page. Our Patient Services Manager will give you more detailed information about Waratah Private Hospital’s “Access to Medical Records and Medico-legal Requests” procedure. Applications for access or copies of records should be in writing. Individuals may be required to cover reasonable costs associated with supplying this information.

Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes the rights of patients and other people using the Australian health system. These rights are essential to make sure that, wherever and whenever care is provided, it is of high quality and is safe.

The Charter recognises that people receiving care and people providing care all have important parts to play in achieving healthcare rights. The Charter allows patients, consumers, families, carers and services providing health care to share an understanding of the rights of people receiving health care. This helps everyone to work together towards a safe and high quality health system. A genuine partnership between patients, consumers and providers is important so that everyone achieves the best possible outcomes.

Download the charter here

Our obligations

Waratah Private Hospital is committed to treating your health information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and applicable State and Territory legislation when they collect, use, disclose and store health information.

Collection of your health information

Waratah Private Hospital will collect your health information to provide you with health care and for directly related purposes.

We will, if reasonable and practicable to do so, collect health information directly from you. If this is not possible, or in case of an emergency we may also need to collect information from another person who can help us to provide you with appropriate health care.

Use or disclosure of information

Your health information held either in paper or electronic format may be used by Waratah Private Hospital or disclosed outside the hospital, to enable appropriate health care and services to be provided to you. For example, your information may be used or disclosed as follows:

  • To assist your treating health professionals in providing ongoing medical treatment and advice to you
  • To discuss your care with your authorised representative or person responsible
  • For communication with your nominated General Practitioner and other treating health services or specialist for a referral, for pathology tests and X-rays
  • In an emergency where your life is at risk and you cannot consent
  • To provide information to suppliers of equipment or supplies necessary for your care
  • To provide information necessary for follow up treatment and services
  • To pastoral care workers providing spiritual and pastoral care
  • For the hospitals internal administrative, quality improvement and training requirements, including information required by our insurers and legal representatives
  • To process accounts to private health funds, insurers, or other persons/organisations nominated by you as responsible for your accounts and for billing or debt-recovery
  • To provide data in both an identified and de-identified form to State and Commonwealth Government agencies to comply with laws regarding the reporting of notifiable diseases and statistics
  • To law enforcement agencies, such as the Police, if an individual provides Waratah Private Hospital with information relating to a serious crime e.g. assault, domestic violence, child abuse
  • To comply with a subpoena or search warrant if an individual’s health information is required as evidence in court
  • For marketing activities including surveys, events and hospital news (your information is de-identified)

No patient records or information will be provided to any party unless specifically authorised by you. This policy will apply to all persons and bodies within Australia and overseas. No personal information collected by Waratah Private Hospital will be disclosed in a jurisdiction outside Australia in contravention of any applicable law.

If you do not wish us to collect, use or disclose certain information about you, you will need to tell us and we will discuss with you any consequences this may have for your health care.

Keeping personal information accurate and up to date

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal and health information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up to date. However, the accuracy of this information depends largely on the quality of the information provided to us. We therefore, suggest that individuals:

  • Let us know if there are any errors in their personal or health information; and
  • Keep us up to date with changes to your personal information (e.g. your name and address)

You may do this by mail, email or in person.

Storing personal information

We store personal and health information in both paper and electronic formats. The security of personal and health information is important to us and we take reasonable steps to protect it from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Some of the ways this is done include:

  • Requiring staff to maintain confidentiality
  • Implementing document storage security
  • Imposing security measures for access to computer systems
  • Providing a discrete environment for confidential discussions and treatment
  • Only allowing access to personal and health information where the individual seeking access has satisfied Waratah Private Hospital’s identification requirements.

Personal and health information is retained for the period of time determined by law and is disposed in a secure manner.

Access to your information

You have the right to have access to the health information that we hold in your health record. You can also request an amendment (but not deletion) to your health record should you believe that it contains inaccurate information.

Waratah Private Hospital will allow access, or will make the requested changes, unless there is a reason under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or other relevant law that denies access or does not permit the requested changes. If access is denied a written response for refusal will be provided.

If Waratah Private Hospital does not agree to make the changes to the health record/personal information in accordance with the request, we will accept a written statement of the requested changes and enclose this in your health record.

Should you wish to obtain access to or request changes to your health record you can contact the Patient Services Manager via email who will give you more detailed information about Waratah Private Hospital’s “Access to Medical Records and Medico-legal Requests” procedure. Applications for access or copies of records should be in writing. Individuals may be required to cover reasonable costs associated with supplying this information.

We value your feedback
  • If you have a complaint about our information handling practices or feel that your privacy rights have been breached in any way then you should contact the Waratah Private Hospital Privacy Officer
  • If the Waratah Private Hospital Privacy Officer is not able to satisfactorily answer your concerns, you may contact the General Manager or Director of Clinical Services.
  • If Waratah Private Hospital does not respond to a complaint about breach of privacy within 30 days or you consider the response is unsatisfactory then you are entitled to raise your concerns to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:

Telephone: 1300 363 992
Write: GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001 or visit the website at

Further information

For further information or to receive a copy of our full Privacy Policy, please ask a staff member or contact the Waratah Private Hospital Privacy Officer via email

If you have a privacy complaint

If you’re not satisfied with our response to any privacy-related concern you may have, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner.


Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).
GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: 1300 363 992
Fax: +61 2 9284 9666
Online enquiries are available via the OAIC website