Dr Paul Coceancig


Dr Paul Coceancig


MB, ChB, BDS Hons, MDS OMS, FDSRCS ad ed England, FRACDS OMS

About Dr Paul Coceancig

Trained in Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia, Paul has extensive knowledge and training in all facets of the surgical specialty.

As well as having bachelor and masterate degrees in dentistry (BDS Honours University of Sydney & MDS in OMS University of Otago), and medicine/surgery (MB & ChB University of Otago) he holds a full surgical fellowship in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (FRACDS OMS), and was awarded with the honor of an ad eundem Fellowship with the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Faculty of Dental Surgeons (FDSRCS a.e. England), in June 2009, based on his international career achievement and qualifications to date.