Eating Behaviour

Re-new Your Relationship with Food

Re-new Your Relationship with Food

Facilitated by our psychologists, this program provides assessment and therapy for people diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa or Binge Eating experiences. The ten-week program helps participants to gain understanding around eating behaviours and their physical impact.


The program aims to normalise healthy eating behaviours and attitudes, and challenges, thinking and anxieties about body issues by working through the possible causes of these challenges. It aims to provide strategies to support the individual in maintaining a healthy weight range while also working towards acceptance of healthy body size and shape through half or full day sessions.

Along with attending the group, participants will have individual sessions to construct their own wellness plans.


Ten-week course schedule

Module 1 – Introduction
Module 2 – What is an eating disorder?
Module 3 – Mindfulness and social interaction
Module 4 – Relaxation strategies and barriers to change
Module 5 – Healthy vs. excessive exercise
Module 6 – Unhelpful thinking styles 1
Module 7 – Unhelpful thinking styles 2
Module 8 – Changes in eating related to events and mood
Module 9 – Dissatisfaction with body weight and shape 1
Module 10 – Dissatisfaction with body weight and shape 2
Module 11 – Body checking, comparison, and avoidance
Module 12 – Nutrition
Module 13 – Increasing self-confidence
Module 14 – Relapse prevention 1
Module 15 – Relapse prevention 2
Module 16 – Relapse prevention 3

Re-new your relationship with food

Enquiry form for Re-new your relationship with food day program
